
Top Benefits of Using Wall Display Racks in Your Retail Store


Whenever retail merchandising gets mentioned, the first thing that comes to many people’s minds is products displayed on stands, tables, end caps, isles, and other store fixtures on the floor. Nonetheless, the displays go beyond the floor. More retailers are getting to realize that by failing to use walls to display their merchandise, they overlook prime retail space.

Wall racks can transform odd-shaped and small sections of a store into valuable display areas. It’s advisable to ensure that every square inch of space in your store is tastefully and pragmatically utilized. If you have a lot of items to display, you shouldn’t shy away from investing in wall racks.

A wall-mounted display rack is more effective at drawing shoppers’ attention compared to floor fixtures. With wall-mounted racks, it’s easier to group your items according to size, color, style, and other parameters. Likewise, it will be easier to attract shoppers to specific sections of your store. Here are the top benefits of including wall display racks in your store.

They Help You Utilize Your Store’s Perimeter

The most prevalent mistake that retailers commit is the failure to make use of their stores’ perimeter. You should ensure that wall space is fully utilized. With wall racks, no space on the walls will go to waste. Display racks ensure that every available space on your walls is used effectively. By utilizing this space, it will be easy for you to create visually-compelling and efficient displays.

Wall racks allow you to sell more products while maximizing the available space. Typically, these racks get placed against the ends of aisle shelf walls or may function as components of the store’s structural key in the checkout area. With the racks in place, you can display light items such as packs of snacks, magazines, and store gift cards.

Wall Racks Encourage Impulse Buying

Every store owner wants to see impulse buyers coming through his/her doors. Tables, stands, and other similar display platforms on your store’s floor tend to be messy. It isn’t very easy for an impulse buyer to spot out exciting items from such displays.

Wall display racks can encourage impulse buying, thus boosting sales at your store. In particular, wall-mounted racks close to the cashier entice shoppers who are waiting in line to pay for items purchased in other sections of the store.

Such display racks can come in handy if you want to entice shoppers into buying small items that they have failed to include in their shopping lists. Items such as batteries, candy, gum, and lip balm are popular fixtures on wall display racks found near the checkout points of most convenience stores.

Improve the Visibility of New Products

Retail stores bring new stock all the time. The easiest way of marketing new items to shoppers is by putting them on wall display racks, which tend to be better organized than floor displays. Wall display racks are eye-catching and also enable you to showcase your new products to customers without overwhelming them. Each product that is featured on these racks stands out on its own, and therefore, it’s easy for shoppers to spot out individual items that might interest them.

For years, greeting card merchandisers have used wall display racks effectively to showcase their wares. In many stores, you’ll spot seasonal varieties and new card lines prominently displayed on wall display racks towards the end of aisles. This not only encourages impulse buying but also allows store owners to add new items to their displays without necessarily moving their standard supplies.

It’s also easier to notice items displayed on wall racks compared to those that are featured on floor-based store fixtures. Items that are featured on wall racks tend to be at eye-level. Once shoppers enter the store, these are likely to be the first thing they spot. Besides, the convenient location of wall racks means it’s easier for shoppers to browse through items displayed there compared to those on tables and stands.

They Give Your Store a Neat Appearance

Once you install wall display racks in your store, the entire space will be more organized. These racks help deliver and elegant and high-end appearance that you won’t get from table displays or other floor-based options that you might have in mind. Some of the most enchanting stores that you’ll come across feature slat grid and wire grid displays, which are pleasing to the eye and also give your store a sophisticated and clean look.

Since wall display racks are available in different sizes, colors, and shapes, you can choose the most suitable option that blends with other fixtures in your store. Therefore, it’s easy to create custom displays that showcase your products in the best way possible. You can always order wall display racks as your needs and according to the available budget. What’s more, most wall display racks are built from rugged plastic or metal. Some also come with adjustable shelves that allow you to customize your displays.

Wall Racks Free Up Floor Space

Trying to organize and present your merchandise on floor-based displays can be quite challenging, especially if you have a restricted amount of space to work with. Arguably, one of the most appealing things for store owners is having some extra free space. Most stores have limited floor space, and nothing is as welcome as freeing up some space.

Many stores look disorganized, crowded, and cluttered because owners fail to take advantage of wall space. When you install display racks on your store’s walls, you’ll get lots of items out of the way and off the floor. Consequently, shoppers will have more space to maneuver without feeling too squeezed. Besides, your store will look more elegant and organized.

The best store displays go beyond the floor. Wall display racks can be a valuable addition to your retail store. It would help if you chose a rack that enhances your store’s aesthetics while increasing merchandise exposure. Also, you should only consider wall display tacks that suit your store’s needs, and encourage shoppers to purchase your merchandise.