
Plastic Gondola Shelf Dividers for Shelves Up to 16" D

Item #: W-PDJS
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Plastic Gondola Shelf Dividers for Shelves Up to 16" D
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  • Place these universal shelf dividers on your gondola shelves to separate & organize merchandise.

  • Works great for shelves from 8" D to 16" D and measure 5/8" H. Fits in shelves with round, diamond or square holes.

  • These dividers have sections that can easily break off in 2" increments. Simply break away these sections to adjust to the correct depth of your shelves.

  • To use, simply place the front pins into your gondola shelf's holes, the back of the divider has a removable tab/pin. Tear it off and push the pin into the one of the holes toward the back of the gondola shelf.

  • Make sure the divider is straight. If it is not, adjust the position of the pin in the back.

    ***Please note gondola shelving units and shelves are NOT included.

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